Authors : Richard Liu, Storm King
Summary : This proposal outlines an agreement for market making services, to be provided by Storm King (operating as Velar Technologies outside of the US), for the GFI token. The purpose of this proposal is to seek approval for a loan of ~1.5% of total GFI token supply that would be used by Storm King to provide liquidity for GFI tokens on two CEX’s and Uniswap v3.
Motivation: Storm King is proposing a market maker agreement between Velar Technologies and the Goldfinch Foundation. Currently, GFI markets are experiencing issues on both DEX’s and CEX’s, so doing larger transactions without significant slippage is challenging.
Given that much of GFI volume continues to exist on CEX’s, onboarding Storm King to facilitate market making services on key centralized exchanges is timely, particularly given the upcoming launch of Membership Vaults (GIP-13). As Membership Vaults will introduce additional utility for GFI holders upon lockup of GFI tokens, there may be an increased need for GFI accessibility for the Goldfinch community. Engaging Storm King as an official market maker will mitigate the risk that there will be launch-related GFI liquidity issues.
Specification & Requirements:
Market Making Quote:
- Loan Size: Authorization for a loan of 1,828,571 GFI tokens to Storm King (Current market value as of 10/21/2022 = $1,243,428)
- The loan size is ~1.6% of total GFI token supply
- Loan Term: 24 months
- Payback Option (Strike Price Calculation):
- We agree to return the full token loan to the community treasury at the end of 24 months or exercise one or both of the repayment options:
- 50% of loaned GFI tokens purchasable at $1 per GFI token
- 50% of loaned GFI tokens purchasable at $1.5 per GFI token
- We agree to return the full token loan to the community treasury at the end of 24 months or exercise one or both of the repayment options:
- TOB B/O Spread
- Coinbase = 10 bps
- MEXC = 10 bps
- Cumulative Order Book Depth ($-equivalent)
- Within 25bps - minimum $3.2k USD, 4.0k GFI
- Within 50bps - minimum $6.4k USD, 8.0k GFI
- Within 100bps - minimum $12.8k USD, 16.0k GFI
- Within 200bps - minimum $25.6k USD, 32.0k GFI
- Fees: None
- Supported Exchanges: Coinbase, MEXC, Uniswap v3
- Option to swap supported exchanges upon community proposal and approval
- Additional Exchanges: Will be subject to further conversations
Background on Storm King:
Storm King is a boutique market maker with operations around the world. The team operates as “Storm King” in the United States and operates as Velar Technologies outside of the US. Our team brings experience from well-known trading, software development, and blockchain backgrounds, from the following companies:
- Town Square Trading
- Vatic Labs
- Bloomberg
- Microsoft
- Millenium
- MIT Lincoln Labs
- Shapeshift
- Cosmos
- Cardano
The leadership team has nine decades of experience in trading and technology between 5 individuals.
Our team at Storm King hails from top academic backgrounds, with affiliations with institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and Stanford.
Storm King makes markets for over 200 tokens across most major centralized exchanges and decentralized venues, transacting over a billion dollars a day during the more busy half of the last year. We have key market making agreements with the leading venues, allowing us to quote tighter and pass the spread savings back to the community.
Why Storm King over larger, well-established market makers?
- We intend to keep a limited number of clients to ensure superior, mutually beneficial market making
- Our trading volume on some well-known exchanges (think: top 20 exchanges) exceeds that of some of the largest market-makers; we have intentionally limited our public-facing marketing to instead focus on delivering results
- We adhere to a strict market neutral (to dollars) mandate; our balance sheet is not weighed down by VC investments or other riskier long term plays; we started being profitable on a daily basis a few months into starting our business and market neutral algorithmic trading is the only business line
- We prioritize operational security above other considerations; we keep our ears to the ground and are very defensive on exchange counterparty risk; we also keep a small publicity footprint to minimize risks
Market making by Storm King will help reduce current challenges faced by the Goldfinch community, namely that large GFI transactions are not possible right now. As most CEX listings require the use of a market maker, designating an official market maker is critical for any additional exchange listings.
A prolonged bear market may see further depressed volumes across crypto-assets; lower GFI volumes from a broad drop in crypto interest would be outside of our control. We commit to maintaining liquidity KPIs rain or shine so that, in the event of lowered volatility and volumes across crypto, GFI liquidity should relatively outshine.
Exchange counterparty risk is a non-trivial risk in crypto. We assess this risk on an exchange by exchange basis and assign a “max percentage of assets” threshold for each exchange and will use these guideposts for market making GFI as well. It is possible that the changing exchange landscape may add to or change the list of venues best suited to trade Goldfinch token and we are flexible to move our liquidity commitment around as needed.
Voting :
YES vote: Authorize signing of agreement and GFI loan with Storm King for market making services
NO vote: Do not authorize Storm King as a Goldfinch market maker
Resources : Reference GIP-13