This example serves to
- Clarify the concept of a “capped” vs “uncapped” reward pool.
- Visualize how the inclusion of a “capped” reward pool leads to a better distribution of the Retroactive Backer rewards.
In green you see the current Backers and the total GFI to be distributed. (For simplicity, 200GFI is used in this example)
In blue, you find my suggestion
- Half of the rewards are added to pool A. When calculating the rewards for pool A, the amount contributed by each backer is “capped” at 1,000$. This pool favors smaller backers. Including Alexey and Peter, even though they contributed more than the “cap”.
- The other half of the rewards are added to pool B. These rewards are distributed to all Backers, proportional to the capital they provided to the Borrower pools.
In Red, you can see how the distribution would look if all rewards were proportional to the amount supplied to the Borrower pool
Note: Notice that everyone but Anna receives higher rewards by dividing the rewards between a “capped” and “uncapped” reward pool. I believe this method of distribution will benefit smaller backers (<30,000$). Acknowledging the work they’ve put into the protocol, and encouraging further contributions - not only as Backers, but also as participants in the decentralized governance of Goldfinch Protocol.