Voting to appeal the result for the GF Flight Academy. Accrual of additional distribution

Yes, I support this proposal

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Yes, I support this proposal


Yes, I support this!

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Yes, I support this proposal

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I agree and fully support

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Yes, I support this proposal :raising_hand_man:

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Yes, I support this proposal

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i support this proposal

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Justice will prevail. I support :+1:


Yes, I support this proposal

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Yes, I support this proposal !

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Against, another senseless flood that makes the community look like a group of beggars.


Yes, I support this proposal

Fully support for this proposal and fully agree with it!

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fully support for this proposal

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Yes, I support this proposal

Yes, I support this proposal.

A lot of time was spent finishing all six Goldfinch modules but didn’t receive any tier or response to my appellations.

I carefully and independently completed the tasks of the Goldfinch Flight Academy: starting from basics until the final text module. All six modules were done in time, including the requested part of questions and responses in the community and checking and commenting on others’ works.

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Fill out the attached appeal form, which is attached to the message

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I agree with the proposal and vote for the correct distribution of shooting range to honest participants

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Yes, I support this proposal

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