Senior Pool. Snapshot December 14

Just because they didn’t “keep” them until December 14th doesn’t make their contribution zero

Thanks for putting together this proposal.
I understand there are bunch of folks on this boat and missed the retro rewards.
One of the thing I think which is very key that is missing is - we need the data on how many people we are talking about, amounts they contributed and what amount of GFI are you proposing to be rewarded. Would be great if you can add that additional data.

Agree. I think we have to do it

What’s the team thinking about it? Or nothing?

maybe ignored
I’d rather not expect

Still no news about it?
No answer from devs?

Hi all,

As a reminder, please strictly follow the Governance Guide for the formatting of the proposal. Any proposal which does not follow the guidelines will not be entertained by the community.

I would encourage the community members to draft a better-structured proposal and lean on @mans9841 or @mcegor13 for support.